Maintaining healthy teeth and gums gives you a beautiful smile and goes a long way for maintaining total body health. Here are a few tips to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums for years to come.
- Brush your teeth regularly and as soon after eating as possible, even after snacking. Brushing keeps small food particles left in your teeth from becoming giant problems.
- Floss at least twice a day. Flossing further cleans and removes particles where your toothbrush cannot reach.
- Don’t use tobacco products. Cigarette or tobacco use can lead to tooth discoloration, gum disease and loss of teeth.
- Eat healthy snacks. Make sure to incorporate fruit and healthy snacks into your diet like melon, tangerine, apples and berries that improve the health of your gums.
- Visit the dentist. Every 6 months, you should visit the dentist for cleaning and checkup. The dentist can identify any complications you may have with your teeth and gums.
- Strive to live a stress free lifestyle. Research shows that people who have a difficult time coping with stress tend to neglect their oral hygiene.
Be sure to maintain a healthy mouth by routinely practicing good oral hygiene habits and reporting problems when you visit the dentist. Don’t take dental health for granted. Having healthy teeth and gums helps you keep an amazing smile, not to mention very good general health.